The general operators of pipe inspection crawler camera robots are inspection engineering personnel. They will learn the method of using pipeline inspection equipment earlier, but the internal procedures of pipe inspection crawler camera robot are very complicated, and some operational matters must be paid attention to during the use process. When operating the pipe inspection crawler camera robot, there will be problems such as machine damage and unavailability. Next, I will explain the operation of the pipe inspection crawler camera robot as follows!
Precautions For Operation Of Pipe Inspection Crawler Camera Robot
1) For the use of pipe inspection crawler camera robot, the device must be connected when the power is turned off. When connecting, make sure to grasp the correct connection method.
2) If there is high concentration of dangerous gas in the pipeline robot inspection environment, it must be removed before the equipment can be placed.
3) When the crawling robot checks the environment, it is unclear that the pipeline pavement condition is strictly prohibited. The periscope must be used to detect internal problems before the crawling robot can be put into the pipeline for operation.
4) When the detection robot is powered by an on-board generator, it must be equipped with a voltage stabilizing device.
5) When an obstacle occurs during the inspection of the pipe inspection crawler camera robot, it is strictly forbidden to operate the robot to forcibly pass through without confirming the nature of the road surface.
7) When detecting that the pipe inspection crawler camera robot is malfunctioning and unable to run, it should be recovered slowly, and it cannot be pulled hard, which will cause more serious damage.
8) When the image signal of the crawling robot equipment is faulty, the recycling should cooperate with other video equipment in the visual status line.
9) The installation and adjustment of the pipeline network detection equipment should be carried out in accordance with the prescribed steps and operating specifications. Rough operations are strictly prohibited.
10) Equipment failure should be notified immediately to the manufacturer's technical service department. Specialized technicians are required for maintenance. Unauthorized disassembly and modification of any condition will invalidate the equipment warranty.
© Shandong China Coal Group. © 2017
Address: No. 11, North of Kaiyuan Road, High-tech Zone, Jining City, Shandong Province, China
Executive Editor: Zhang Wen / Editor: Linda Zhang